Securing the Internet of Things via VPN technology


  • Mykhailo Hunko Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Ukraine
  • Igor Ruban Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Ukraine
  • Kateryna Hvozdetska Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Ukraine



Internet of Things, Virtual Private Network, security, data


The speed at which the Internet of Things is evolving these days looks promising for the smart environment of the future. Along with the popularity of smart devices, concerns about the security of IoT devices are also growing because they are inherently resource-constrained, heterogeneous and they suffer from a lack of standard security controls or protocols. In particular, because of their inability to support today's secure network protocols and security mechanisms, standard security solutions are not suitable for dynamic Internet of Things environments that require large and smart infrastructure deployments. Current Internet of Things environments use predominantly cloud-based approaches so that data can be exchanged in unlimited quantities, leading to additional security and privacy risks. While standard security protocols such as virtual private networks have recently been implemented for certain Internet of Things environments, the implementation models presented have few variations and are virtually unscalable for any dynamically scalable Internet of Things deployment.


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